but not wireless.. So mine will be better in some respect :)
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Ok now, my headset is completely ruined I guess. I bought this logitech ClearChat wireless headset few years ago. After few months the left speaker started cutting. I took it apart and found out some wire had just broken. After replacement it was good as new again. But then, I had to do this like every six months or so. And then the frame started falling apart.. And now it has started cutting again. And it looks like this:

So, I can't push it much further, I have to buy new set I thought at first.. But since the electronics work quite nicely I thought it'd be a waste and started thinkin about fitting the insides to some cheap headset with better frame. But as one could expect, cheap stuff didn't have any good frames.. and then I happened to see some advertisement and I got it. It'd put the stuff inside these Peltor earcups!
Got them pretty cheap (20€) and now I got them:

Now I have to plan out the holes, buttons and wiring.. and then it's fitting time!
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I was looking for a free and easy to use, preferably open source circuit diagram editor without any fancy features like simulating and such. I just wanted to draw some simple circuits for my report.
Well, I tried XCircuit, QElectrotech and so on..
and finally found CircuitLab.
I used to be vary about web applications, but this was exactly what I was searching for: Platform independent, intuitive and easy to use, perfect for drawing simple circuits!
If you're interested in electronics, try it out!
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チキン 300グラム
ご飯 ~300グラム
玉ねぎ 2個
生クリーム 2デシ
生卵 3個
好きなスパイス (せめて潮、胡椒とか)
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I'm coming back here,
there will be new category to add, cooking.
And, I will probably write in Japanese occasionally... If you're interested ask for translations!
See you, readers!
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